Thursday 21 November 2013

Are Bobble Hats for Tw*ts?

Yesterday a plucky chav sauntered in my shop and instantly dismissed my Bobble Hat range as 'wank'. His girlfriend with the pencil line eyebrows picked out a Bobble Hat from the stand and presented it to her loutish other half, "I don't want to be known as the twat in the hat," he scoffed. I happened to wearing my bobble hat to work that day as the central heating on the shop floor had packed up. Noticing my head was adorning the very garment he was slighting, and not to be seen causing any unwanted offense, the churlish youth back pedaled; "Obviously some people don't have a problem with that look."
Your honour, exhibit A.
Unsurprisingly, I failed to accommodate my customers high standards for hat attire and he and his girlfriend soon left amidst a discussion of which one of their friends they could rinse a tenner off to buy a 4 pack of Kestrel.
It was a brief exchange, but one that stayed with me for the duration of the afternoon. Recently I have adopted a new strategy to decision making, firstly I ask myself 'What would a sane person do?' Then secondly I remove myself from the equation. So with this approach I may have to concede that Bobble Hats really are for twats. And I was a prime twat for endorsing them. I then did exactly ten seconds of research and found this picture of Idris Elba who is one of the best actors around at the moment and is tipped to play the next James Bond. If it's good enough for James Bond, it's good enough for me. Verdict: Bobble Hats are coolio.

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