Friday 28 February 2014

The changing looks of Damon Albarn

This weekend the Blur frontman will headline the first festival staged by BBC Radio 6 Music. It will be the first time that fans will get a chance to hear slices of Albarn's debut album 'Everyday Robots'. Here is a quick look at the several stages of Albarn's wardrobe metamorphosis that has wowed the public over the years.


Starting at the top with their debut album 'Leisure'. Albarn was insistent that the poorly-lit untoned torso look was the future of British Pop. At the time it created an unprecedented amount of attention and in a show of solidarity, both Blur fans took to the street and burnt all their t-shirts and hid in shadows. Unfortunately, the poorly-lit untoned torso look proved to be a fad as Albarn was seen the next day fully dressed buying a scratch card down the Spar in Chessington.  


Well it's a move in the right direction at least. Here Albarn can be seen wearing his Dad's blazer from the Rotary Club and at least he has made some kind of effort with his hair. At first glance it looks like he has let himself and both his fans down by being photographed holding a can of Halfords Vauxhall Arden Blue spray paint. However reports of graffiti and vandalism hit an all time low as the youths discovered that it was no longer cool thing to do. Police said they were indebted to Albarn for his proactive work in keeping the streets clean and have since asked public figures such as Boris Johnson, Eammon Holmes and Nick Knowles to follow suit.


Remember liking this song then feeling ashamed when Albarn and Daniels played it live at the Brits in 2012? Apart from both Blur fans, the rest of us set fire to our sofas and committed wild acts of domestic violence as a direct result of that horrific slice of television. The Slazenger jacket is now worth a tidy sum however. Slazenger was reportedly impressed with the amount of 'boings' Albarn could do in a single in a minute and gave him the jacket for free.


Had such hits as 'The Universal' and Albarn and the band appeared in all white clerical aesthetic. A look clearly lifted from the 1971 Kubrick film 'A Clockwork Orange'. In light of this new direction, both Blur fans took to the street to impersonate some of the violence portrayed by Alex DeLarge and quasi-droogs. They were killed in record time and the band issued a statement to the press 'We are very sorry to hear about the loss of both our fans. Should we get more fans in the future we will be more sensitive to how impressionable they might be.' 


And finally, (well not quite finally they had another 2 albums after this but I have lost the motivation) their self titled album Blur arrived with singles such as 'Song 2' and 'Beetlebum'. Fred Perry asked Albarn to do a special design for it's 60 year anniversary. Albarn opted for a subtle minimalist piece and submitted a white polo with a '6' by the brands logo and a signature by the bottom hem. The company issued a statement saying 'We really expected better than this from Albarn. In terms of designs we have received so far 'This is a low.' F*ck you that's an amazing joke.' 

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