Thursday 20 February 2014

Get the John Lydon look

John Lydon aka Johnny Rotten is best known for his starring role in the Country Life butter commercials. But in his youth he was also the lead singer of a tiny punk band called the Sex Pistols . 
The band caused nationwide uproar in much of the media, when guitarist Steve Jones called Bill Grundy a "f**king rotter" on live television. In Jones's defence, Bill Grundy was hitting on one of the bands groupies 40 years his junior and goaded Jones to pad out the last five seconds of the interview with profanities. Today we play a quick homage to some of the prototypical outfits that John Lydon sported during arguably his finest hour of his musical career.

How about this jacket campers? It's all in the detail. A spluttering of Patriotic graffiti with black bordered lapels, complete with its own syringe for ones narcotic necessities. I doubt you'll get past the bouncers in your local wetherspoons, but I'd put money on the heavies not even batting an eye on the door of The Hawley Arms
in Camden. In fact, for science, try getting served with the needle in your wrist whilst tightening a belt round your little lily-livered bicep.

Lydon shifts gears seamlessly into this beautiful estranged fisherman's cargo net. If you were looking to buy this effeminate number in some posh french chic-boutique it would probably set you back near on a grand. However if you happen to hit Yarmouth beach during high tide then you'll be able to pick up something like this for next to nothing. You may find the garment wrapped around a seal carcass, some driftwood, or even a dead drifter.

As Pesci would say 'Don't let the earrings fool ya.' Underneath this green v neck sweater, the headmasters blazer and his dimpled impishness, lies a rapscallion reprobate that got kicked out of school at the age of 15 and swore on national TV. He did say that Green Day were 'not punk, just bubblegum,' which is actually, just good science.

Ok I'm focusing more on the globe beanbag in this picture. It far outshines the golfing cardigan and shiny Clarke shoes. There are certainly outfits that are tailored for shoots as opposed to the stage. Incidentally John Lewis are knocking these beanbags out for £75. I'd say that's a little steep for heap of polystyrene beans. Not all of us are hammering cheques from butter commercials. I'm not bitter, really.

And lastly no iconic punk look would be complete without the propellor shredded, mother shrunk, school boy jumper with skinny tie and drainpipe trousers. The thing with the distressed school boy look is that if you were seen rocking these round the back of the bike sheds you'd probably be expelled on the spot. Though Lydon was expelled, maybe this one was a mugshot taken shortly after the event. 

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