Tuesday 21 January 2014

Best dressed boxers

Here is a list of the top 5 best dressed boxers. It's based on scientific research so please don't write in to dispute it. 


Ahh the beloved Frank. Now Frank has had quite the career. He has been accused of molesting and assaulting his wife along with having a sustained addiction to cocaine. But it's not all been good times for our Frank. He also suffered a crushing first round defeat in the 1989 Christmas special of Family Fortunes. He seems pretty chipper these days however and now dons the kind of suits you might see on Jim Carrey or Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber.


I can forgive the lisp, the business suits, the cane, the pocket watch, the narcissism of walking into fights to Tina Turner's 'Simply the Best' before leap frogging the ring ropes, but when you start wearing a flipping monocle. You have to have some sympathy with Bruno really. When the police came to section him he must have been thinking, 'Why are you coming for me? Eubank minces around dressed like Patrick Moore and I'm getting put in a padded cell?'


I quite like the 70's Foreman wardrobe. He rocked up to fight Ali in Zaire dressed like he should have been playing bass in The James Brown band. Unfortunately he lost his title to Ali, citing lack of concentration during the fight. 'I suddenly had this great idea for a fat reducing grilling appliance between the 3rd and 4th rounds,' George said in the post match press conference. 'it was unfortunate that I had such an entrepreneurial vision during the biggest fight of my career, but that's the curse of being a genius.'  


Yes other wise known as 'The Duke'. Which is a coincidence because that's the exact name I give to my junk. Now just looking at this picture you wouldn't be able to tell me if this was taken in 1987 or 1988. He was also coined the Shephard of shell suits leading the scouse sheep through the 80's. 


Easily one of the most stylish boxers on the circuit right now. And at the age of 48 he is one of the oldest boxers to win an IBF belt when he flopped contender Tavoris Cloud in 2013. He shrouded himself in controversy with his comments in his pre-match press conference with Joe Calzaghe "You're not even in my league! I would never let a white boy beat me." Barked Hopkins. "I would never lose to a white boy. I couldn't go back to the projects if I let a white boy beat me." He lost and was ex-communicated from the projects as a result. 

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